Monday, June 29, 2009

The American Black Tracey

The American Black Bear is the most common species natice to North America. It lives throughout much of this continent, from northern Alaska, south into Mexico and from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean.

The American Black Bear usually ranges in length of 5 to 6 feet and typically stands about 2.5 to 3 feet at the shoulder. Standing up on its hind feet, the black bear can be up to seven feet tall. Females are 33% smaller than males. Females weigh between 90 and 400 pounds. Males weigh between 155 to 600 pounds. Adult black bears can reach up to 660 pounds.

The lynx is a North American wildcat related to the bobcat. These species can be distinguished visually by noting a few features. The lynx appears larger because it has longer fur and stands taller, but it weighs the same as a bobcat. Lynx's have ruffs, or tufts of hair, on their face giving the appearance of a beard. You can identify them by the black markings on the tail tip and ears.With a pounce and a hop the speedy lynx chases the bleached white hare through the bushes. Poof! The hare disappears into the shiny white powder. Then the sly lynx picks up the scent of the hare and pounces toward the small hairball. The sharp elongated claws don�t dig in, and the hare�s long slender legs launch himself out of the hole and out of danger. The swift cat swings his claws around to hit the fast hare, but he hits the snow right under his back legs. The hare runs right between two willow trees and into a narrow opening which has a bunch of fallen willow trees. The hare has escaped from the lynx this one time, but the lynx will find other food. The lynx is a pale brown to brownish grey with black streaks on its neck, forehead, and on the back. It has a short tail, long tuffed ears, long slender legs, wide feet for control in the snow, and long very soft fur. The lynx will grow to be 30 to 40 inches long, and 24 to 28 inches high from feet to shoulders. They usually weight 15 to 45 pounds. When you see the lynx, at first sight

The red fox
(Vulpes vulpes) has throughout history been the subject of fables and sayings, been desired for their fur, and have been blamed for many a farmer’s missing chicken, many times rightly so. A female fox, or vixen, mates in the early spring, her mate calling to her with a shrill sounding bark, she answers with a similar high pitched yelping, this being one of the few times of the year that they use this particular sounding bark extensively. In late spring a litter of up to ten kits are born, though the size of the litter is often much smaller. A fox den is often in a hollowed out stump, a dug out hole under a rock outcropping, or even a small cave. The kits quickly learn that all is not work, and playful by nature, will soon follow their mothers about. Fox will occasionally come out in the middle of the day, but normally days are spent tucked away in their dens sleeping, awaiting nightfall when they can move about more freely.
Red fox are similar in appearance to other members of the fox family, including the Arctic fox and Cross fox, but are characterized by their white tip and underside of their tail and black feet in contrast to their body color. Many people assume all red fox are red, but this is not so. A Silver fox is just a color variation of the Red fox. Other than the color of the body fur, they are the same animals. Within this color range are often other variations also. The red color can range from a muddy brown to a deep red. A silver fox often is black underneath, with white tips of hair longer than the black, making the ‘silver’ color appear. Depending on the time of year, and the length of the fox’s fur, they can appear to be a blue, silver, black, even white from a distance. Years ago, when a silver colored pup would be noticed in the wild, they would be captured for breeding, hoping to bring this color about in quantity. After many years of this,
fur farms solely for breeding silver fox sprang up. As the availability of this desirably colored fur became easier to get, the fad wore off somewhat, though farms still exist in modern day, as the fur color is quite beautiful.
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Hunting and trapping of the fox has been a popular sport in many countries. Hunting of the fox with dogs is common. Trapping of the animal for his fur has come, gone, and come again into modern time. The fur of this animal has been used for both its warmth and beauty, for jackets, ear muffs, gloves, stoles, and blankets.
As red fox are closely related to dogs, their young age at about the same time. By si
x weeks old, they have become miniature versions of their parents. For survival, they must learn to become the sly hunter they have been credited with being. The remaining part of the summer will be spent learning to capture the foods that make up a fox’s diet. Small rodents such as field mice, chipmunks, squirrels, and rabbits, birds, frogs, insects, and berries when available; all are the mainstays of the red fox diet. Anyone glimpsing a fox in pursuit of his game will both laugh and know why they are so successful. They literally hop on all fours straight into the a
ir, pouncing down in one fell swoop on their intended prey. ‘Quick’ is another term often given to the fox, and seeing one dart about a hillside, you will know why.
Fox have memorialized the saying ‘Sly as a Fox’ for good reason. They have even been called the ‘Houdinis’ of the animal family. Farmers throughout the ages have built better and more secure pens for their animals, simply to try to keep out the fox, often failing. Fox can seemingly get into the best handiwork a farmer can build. They can scale over, dig under, and go through, varied constructions. If a farmer’s barn happens to be in their home range, chickens and
ducks often become part of their daily diet. Eggs seem to have a draw for them also, with them eating them right in the pen.
Fables by Aesop, La Fontaine, and even modern day storyteller Walt Disney, have often included the fox. The fable ‘The Fox and the Stork’ by Aesop, tells that being tricky like a fox is not always good. La Fontaine’s ‘The Fox and the Grapes’ has b
een credited with bringing about the saying ‘Sour Grapes’. Walt Disney, not to be outdone by past storytellers, filmed the now famous ‘The Fox and the Hound’, telling of the friendship of two very unlikely animals, a fox kit and a hound pup destined to be a hunting dog of nothing less than his friend the fox.
The next time you visit the zoo, take the time to view this animal. On the other hand, if you happen to be fortunate enough, and see one romping across a field in the wild, know that you have been given a great privilege. There is nothing as delightful as a fox hopping on all four in his pursuit of his field mouse dinner!

Moose by: Jazmine

The Moose or Elk is the largest speices in the deer family. Moose are distinguished by the palmate antlers of the males; after members of the family have antlers with a 'twig-like" figure. Moose were successfully introduced on new foundland in 1904 where they are now the dominant ungulate, and less successfully on Anticost Island in Gulf of St. Lawrence. ten moose were introduced in New Zealand in 1910, but they started to die off.

Posted by Derek

This is a picture of moose droppings. We took a hike in Homer and found these. Moose is the largest species in the deer family. We saw a couple of moose around the hill and some had calves. Moose is the second largest land animal in North America and Europe behind the bison. The eyes of a moose are on the side of the head. If they see a predator they can run away.

This is a picture of grey wolf's droppings. We went on a hike when we found this animal sign. Wolf is the largest member of the canidae family. It is a carnivore so it eats meat. They have huge canine teeth to tear its victims skin. Some wolves travel in packs so they can get food easier.

Post by Morgan

This is Darcy my friend but i will miss her tons. But everybody that reads this I will miss you too. Come back next year!!!

Post by Morgan

This is my friends Geena, Jasmine, Myna and Corina, Darcy. these guys are awsome friends..

by gabe larson

this is me in the work shop using the rounder to round the gunnels as you can see im using euye protection and a mask. it gets dusty, you also got saw dust flying in your eyes sooo ya. o and that smily face on my arm thats Bob the mucsle.freds on the other but you cant see him lol. its pretty fun in that work shop. you can get pretty creative in there.

Posted by Derek

This is a pic of Quriciq Logan Gilila wearing make up across the bay. Me and him were weaing make up and we had a lot of fun. Our friends wanted to put make up on us and i wanted to do it.

This is another pic of Logan across the bay. We were playing around while Patty went to Seldovia.

This is a pic of me and Deena climbing a rock across the bay when we went to go see sarah. I had fun when we climbed it.

Posted by Logan

This is Derek David AKA Angivv from Tuntutuliak Alaska. His in the wood shop going down the stairs. we were building a Umiak to go across the bay from HOMER! witch is cool.

This is Denny and Corey playing a game and one of them won the game but it was fun watching them play this game and it's a lot of fun.

This is Toby playin with the drill in the wood shop drilling holes while making a Umiak. Toby was working really hard in the wood shop.

posted by brandi oquilluk

for me, the best part of this camp is the activities we can do. i really like playing the game where you have to try and pull someone off of a box with rope.=) i dont really like not having to go on the computer every day. i sometimes dont like doing some of the chores, but some are okay. two days ago we went to the swimming pool for the second or third time, it was awesome. yesterday we just done anything for a couple hours, instead of doing our mentor groups. i am in field group one, so we are going to boat build. so far, the boat is awesome. we are going to the pool again, tonight. i hope it's going to be fun.=] i really wish we can go to the store by the way.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Posted by Corina k.

HaHa this is a good photograph because it was one day we had to clean our yurt and myna went to go and get the mop and game back all happy and screaming while running and it looked like she was crying and happy. But all that hard work was worth it because we won!!!!!
This is a good group picture i like it was before or after we started to walk to sera's place and we found this weird chair made out of a burrel and so we all took a picture with it and braden is sitting in it.

haha I like this picture because its just out there like micheal is doing something just random and i'm not even looking at the camera just like i didn't know they were taking a picture. I also like the outfit that I was wearing and i just had a lot of fun making salve.

In this photograph me and my roommates (Geena, Darcy, Myna, and Jazmine) were welcoming patty and her husband with Don to inspect our yurts and we didn't get first place but we still worked together and got it clean and nice. we got second place because we wiped down the whole fire place but we missed a spot on top, in plain sight.

This post written by Geena.

Hahaha. This was that day when half of the camp was across the bay. Miss Amazing Amanda(the coolest adult i'v ever met) gave us a dance lesson. we danced to Pump It by the black eyed peas. Starting from the left we have Anabell, Ari, Amanda, Michael, and Jazmine. I was there somewhere dance my butt off. She is a incerible dancer. Thanks Amanda!

Hahaha. Morgan, and Zach. That was a very confusing game that we had to play. But it was fun trying to figure out how to get out of the ropes. So, you had to tie the rope around your wrist. Then they will tangle you up by criss-crossing the ropes. Then you and your partner have you figure out how to get out the ropes with out them coming off your wrists. Yeah, that game was fun.

Hahaha. Underwater pictures are fun. Amazing. Fantastic. We go swimming every other day. Fun, fun. Staring from the left it's Jazmine, Brennen, Amanda, ME, and Michael. That night was really fun. I love swimmming, in this picture i look startled. Wow, when we leave this camp i don't want to go, this has been the funnest camp i'v been to so far. And I have be to over 15 camps. What did i do while i was swimming? I help Miss Jazmine(on the left) how to float, but she doesn't know how to swim yet. I'm going to miss every person in this picture, but i live with Jazmine in Anchorage.

posted by: Jazmine

WOW me and me best friend Myna had a whole lot of fun with her on the boat ride across bay. I'm really had a fun time with her because it was my very first time and it was great to do it with myna. And one good thing is that I didn't get SEA SICK.!!!! I wish I can do it again. :) :)

Post is by Morgan

Well this is my cuz Kevin.he is from Golvin Ak.

posted by: Jazmine

Man this boat was really fun to work on and it is turning out real good and I wish that I can finish it but we can't because Corrie the person who is teaching us how to do wood stuff. I wish Corrie can stay to help us with the rest but he can't he has to go back to work in the real world! Well have fun camp ageya 2!!!!! :)

posted by: Jazmine

OMG this flower looks beautiful and smells good right?.......... Well it doesn't it really smells like pee and that stinks and if you want to smell because you don't believe me go right ahead.

this post by zach

This was a boat building day and I had just finished drilling holes for the wood supports for the umiak. Later i was drilling holes in pieces of wood and spinning them around like a fan. We also used planes to smooth the edges of really long pieces of wood. That day was a fun one.

this post by zach

When we were at kasistna on a walk and we came across a dead otter that may have had a virus. The otter look as if it was snarling or had rabies. The pour thing didn't die a natural death, there was no scratches or teeth marks and it look like it was fairly young. Later on the day we saw a eagle and its nest and another otter but this time this one was alive.

this post by zach

I was working at the workshop on a piece of wood and Morgan was working on a paddle that later broke. I have had a good time at the workshop working on whatever. Alot of the students enjoy building boats, the most common is the Exxon valdez tanker. I later worked on making a speed boat, I haven't finished it yet.

post by Branden

Me, thad and, corey are pegen the stringers with chopsticks. we drilled holes through the wood to put the chopsticks in. I had fun building the boat that day.

In this picture their putting the ribes in the boat. denny and deena.

This is the boat with all the ribs.

Posted By Peter

This is the picture of the clams and muscles that me, Marc, and Ari got in Kasitna Bay. This was the first time I went clam digging. I had a lot of fun digging for them. When we ate them I really liked the muscles which was the first time I ever had. Then I ate the clams with butter and I didn't like it. I just about puked when i swallowed it.

Posted By Peter

From Left to Right theres Miranda, Derek (in the back), Nuka, Logan, and my cousin Janann. Logan, Derek, Nuka, and Miranda are my freinds that I made here. They are all from Tuntutogiak except Janann. Janann and I are from Holy Cross. We hang out with each other whenever we can, we can't hang out with each other most of the time because I am in a seperate group than them. We like to play games and card games with each other.

this post written by Roxanne

nuka and janann and maranda are smileing because there happy and there having fun

peter and branden are playing cards and there happy they love playing cards and i play cards w/ vashti we had fun

kevin and peter and vashti and logan are playing catching pplz and they doing again and there having fun i had fun playing catching pplz.

this post written by Roxanne

Posted By Peter

We are building a Umiak in this picture. Theres me in the front with the LA hat on, then theres Annabell, Ari, and Corey the intructor. At this point I was the only kid that was into working on the Umiak. The other kids were saying "We're to tired or to lazy". I got a blister from tieing the ribs of the boat down. I had a lot of fun building the Umiak. I was hoping to ride in it but Corey is leaving and we won't be able to ride in it.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

By: Max

I was on my way to Kasistna bay, chllen with my friend Zack (on the left) having a grate time. It was a 45 min ride on the Beowulf.I was in kasistna for 2 nights 3 days.I had so much fun tide pooling while we were there.

Post by Miranda

Vashti and Deena playing a game. I really don't know what the game is called but they stand on the ammo box and pull the string. whoever has most string, wins the game or if another person steps off the box wins.

Post by Miranda

Logan in brown, Gabe,with a mask, and Derek,in black sweater scarfing the woods together with gorilla glue. The scarfed woods are for the oomiak.

Post by Nuka

heres a picture going across the Kachemak Bay Group 1 which is Sarah and Denny's group went for one whole day and went back the next day by 3.

Heres Me and my geology group looking at pictures and informations about the oil spill. There are Michel, Deena, Brandon,
and Thad. We all have fun when it comes to going to our mentore groups.

Heres one of my favorite instructors she reminds me of one of my aunties.She teases me a lot just like my aunty does. Shes also very funny like she is.

post by janann

This picture is a picture of me and my two best friends here. The person in the back is Nuka, then Miranda, and me in the glasses. They are really nice people from Tuntutuliak and they always make me laugh. The funny thing is they got me saying "AHHH SHUCKS" :)

That is me when we were doing a trust excercise and i was scared half to death but I did it. Also the way we did it was we would stand on a chair and have to trust the people kneeling down to catch us. Even though I didn't really know everyone I FINALLY had the guts to do it:).
That is Peter and Brandon and it looks like they were playing cards. So Peter is my cousin and Brandon is a cool guy which is friends with Peter hahaha. Well when we are waiting sometimes we start to play games and stuff like that so yea it is a FANTASTIC CAMP!!

posted by kevin

the photo is of the dog alaska and the hourse safire. the dog has just gotten up from a nap. the hourse is just watching the rest of the group play a few games in the grass.

posted by kevin

this is the boat we are starting on and we are putting in the ribs in. the boat wont be lonched by us but by the second camp. so far we have been working on the boat for ten days.

post writen by Varsity (aka Vashti)

This is Cuma, a really cool, really quiet dog that I like petting.

I don't know when this picture was taken but it's funny, and it has all my friends in it, or at least I think most of them are in there. In the front, in the red shirt is Roxanne, she's really quiet but a ton of fun to be around when you get to know her. There's also Deena, Myna, Jazmin, Carina, Darcy, Brandi, Ashley, Geena, Tracey, and Allison in this picture, they're all really cool.